Category Archives for "Savings"

Do You Have An Emergency Fund? Should You?

Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is generally three to six months’ worth of living expenses.  An emergency fund is just common sense and not structuring your life so that you are a whisker away from disaster.  If you haven’t created an emergency savings account, here is the order we suggest you take as you get started: Scaling […]

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Tell Them To Waive The Flipping Fees…

Tell Them To Waive The Flipping Fees

Many of you are likely harvesting credit card points by signing up for new cards with fat ($500-$800) bonuses.  Some of the best cards continue to pay about 2 percent cash back in perpetuity.  There is a catch, however.  After that first year, many cards with the fattest bonuses charge a fee, usually from $50 […]

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