Category Archives for "Investing"

Are You A Mighty Investor?

What Makes a Mighty Investor?  Good question. A Few, Simple Qualities Make The Mighty Investor 1. You know that your actions have consequences. That the daily decisions you make from moment to moment cumulatively have a massive impact on your life. That is one of the core beliefs of–we can take cumulative action and […]

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Tax-Efficient Financial Freedom

Tax-Efficient Financial Independence

In 2016, my taxable income plummeted.  However, my net worth went up considerably.  How does this happen?  Tax-efficient investing. Tax-Efficient Investing–Initial Steps Contribute to a Roth or Traditional IRA every year.  (See info on the back-door Roth below.) Contribute to a Health Savings Account every year. Contribute to SEP-IRA when possible. If you have money […]

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The Stock Market Is Always Overvalued

Ths Stock Market Is Always Overvalued

The stock market has always seemed overvalued to me.  I remember when I first started investing in the mid-1990s.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average was closing in on 5000.  It made me nervous.  The market had moved too far, too fast.  I just knew a correction was coming.  The market is now four times higher […]

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Try To Get Rich Quick

Get Rich Quick

If you are going to focus intensely on investing and building wealth, something will tempt you as too good to be true.  If you are young, I hope you try it, and I hope you lose some money. It will teach you a harsh lesson early in life.  Getting rich quick almost never works. It’s […]

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Stocks Are The Perfect Investment

Stocks Are The Perfect Investment

For me, stocks are the perfect investment.  Here’s why: Over time (20 years or more), stocks as an asset class have almost always performed better than any other investments.  (This is for investments in the developed, western countries). Stocks pay dividends.  I like the cash in hand.  Dividends receive favorable tax treatment over earned income.  […]

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