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Focus: The Most Underrated Trait in the World

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett reportedly both gave the same answer when describing the single most important factor to the success they achieved over the course of their lives:
I love this trait, and here’s why:
- Focus allows you to batch effort. This allows you to make tremendous progress without flitting around from one thing to the next.
- Focus forces by its very nature means you have chosen a priority (or priorities). It means you know what you care about most and are moving like a heat seeking-missle on your target.
- Focus means you don’t let others pull you away into their priorities. This is key in modern life.
- Focus has a zen like quality that I just like for its own sake.
Focus is why I tend to write shorter blog posts. I want to give you the kernel and let it sprout within you.
So what about you? Are you focused? If so, what on? If not, why not?