You Can Have an Amazing Life with Very Little Money

You Can Have An Amazing Life


Because, you can:

  • get free books from the library.
  • create an entire blog for free on (though spending $5 a month to host your own website is better).
  • take walks for free.
  • brew your own coffee or tea and enjoy it for almost free.
  • pray and commune with transcendent reality for free.
  • cook tasty meals such as lentil soup, brown rice, stir fry, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, for very little money.
  • check out CDs from the library as well as movies.
  • drink a glass of pure water.
  • take a walk with your friend.
  • hug your loved ones for free.
  • smile at a stranger.
  • randomly talk to someone you meet at a cafe or on your commute to work for free.
  • hum a tune.
  • pet a dog for free.
  • watch the wind sigh through the trees and rustle branches.
  • watch a bee dance around a flower.
  • write a poem.
  • meditate.
  • teach your child to read for free (with a book from the library).

Life is overwhelmingly rich in and of itself.  Whether you have no money or a bank account full of commas and zeroes, most of the joy and richness of life is just begging you to notice and participate.

This is a wonderful thing for us all.

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